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Haley Comfort Systems Donates $48,279 to Suicide Prevention

2021-11-19T01:56:02+00:00November 17th, 2021|Other|

Rochester, MN—November 16, 2021—Haley Comfort Systems is donating $48,279 to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) during a check presentation at the Haley Comfort Systems showroom in Rochester at 4 pm on Wednesday, November 17. The donation is the culmination of a month-long campaign to raise money for AFSP in October during

Family Matters at Haley Comfort Systems ($16,400 Raised!!)

2017-11-03T20:56:18+00:00November 3rd, 2017|Other|

What is the value of $16,400 to the Ronald McDonald House? It could be fresh baked cookies and over 1,000 nights stay in a warm, secure home for families dealing with a parent’s worst nightmare. Everyone at Haley Comfort Systems is excited to be involved in the community and show our commitment to the Ronald

Readers Choice 2017

2017-07-24T15:31:32+00:00July 24th, 2017|Other|

The Post-Bulletin’s 2017 Readers Choice Awards is here! Voting is from Saturday, July 22nd through Sunday, August 6th. Haley Comfort finished as a finalist last year and would love to win this year! Vote NOW for Haley Comfort Systems as the BEST Heating & Air Conditioning Company by clicking here!

Bryant Community Heroes Winner Announcement

2017-01-10T23:39:09+00:00January 10th, 2017|Other|

Haley Comfort Systems and Bryant Heating & Cooling Systems Team Up to Honor a Community Hero with a FREE Bryant High Efficiency Gas Furnace Rochester, MN — Haley Comfort Systems, a heating and cooling contractor, and Bryant Heating & Cooling Systems teamed up to honor a local Community Hero who does “whatever it takes” to

Reader’s Choice Award 2016

2019-07-16T21:46:00+00:00July 15th, 2016|Other|

The Post-Bulletin's 2016 Readers Choice Awards is here! Voting is from Saturday, July 9 through Sunday, July 31. Haley Comfort finished as a finalist last year and would love to win this year! You vote by clicking here.

My Pilot Light Won’t Stay Lit

2015-12-28T19:25:04+00:00December 28th, 2015|Other|

Have you ever found yourself waking up late for work, and you go to jump in the shower and you have cold water! What could this possibly mean…sounds like you have found yourself stuck in a situation where your water heater’s pilot light goes out. What is the problem? The usual suspect tends to be

How to prevent freezing water pipes in the winter

2015-01-10T17:19:48+00:00January 10th, 2015|Other|

A number of different maintenance issues can arise for a home as the weather gets colder. One of the most common problems that may occur when the temperatures drop below freezing is for water pipes to freeze. This can be a major problem because it can cause the pipe to burst and this can result

Five ways to get your home ready for winter

2014-11-19T02:41:33+00:00October 11th, 2014|Other|

With fall on the horizon and winter following right behind, homeowners need to take steps to prepare their homes for the harsh winter conditions. Ignoring the potential damage that the cold weather presents can leave your home open to possible maintenance problems and taking a few easy steps can help to avoid that. Along with

Haley Comfort’s Anniversary Sale

2014-11-19T02:39:07+00:00September 10th, 2014|Other|

Stop by the Haley Comfort Anniversary Sale from September 19th through the 21st. See below for details! Friday, September 19th, 8am – 8pm Saturday, September 20th,8am – 8pm Sunday, September 21st, 10am – 5pm Get up to $1,400 off a new Bryant Evolution Heating & Cooling System Save up to $600 on Heat-N-Glo Fireplaces, Stoves

Haley Comfort Olmsted County Fair Sale – Deals & Promotions

2014-11-19T02:27:23+00:00July 21st, 2014|Other|

The Olmsted County fair is here and that means you need to stop by Haley Comfort Systems on Highway 52 North to check out the AMAZING Fair Sale going on this week only! Save huge dollars on everything! From Lighting to Grills, Fireplaces, Firepits, Pizza Ovens, Furnaces and Air Conditioners! Whatever you need, its here

Hastings Showroom Remodel

2014-11-19T02:02:57+00:00April 29th, 2014|Other|

The Haley Comfort Hastings Showroom has been under construction for quite some time now but it is coming along quickly! Don’t worry though, you can still come visit the showroom just as you would before. Our back office is intact but the rest of the showroom was gutted almost two and a half weeks ago.

How To Prepare Your Home For Winter

2014-11-18T22:48:50+00:00November 24th, 2013|Other|

As the cold temperatures of winter set in, your home is subject to different conditions that require some attention. Preparing your home for winter is an important process that homeowners should engage in every year. In this process, homeowners can take steps to reduce their home heating costs and to help them prevent any potential

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