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Bryant Bonus Season is Here!

2017-05-24T21:06:12+00:00April 14th, 2016|Air Conditioners, Furnace|

The 2016 Spring Bryant Bonus has begun! It runs April 1st to June 30th. The Bryant Bonus promotion offers you, the homeowner, a rebate for a qualifying Bryant system (furnace & AC) or a qualifying unit and control. You can save up to $1,600 on a Furnace/AC system plus choose something free from the list

Air Conditioner Checklist Before Spring

2016-03-29T19:01:20+00:00March 29th, 2016|Air Conditioners|

When winter is coming to a close, you want to start thinking about your home air conditioning system. The winter can be tough on the outdoor part of the system and it is important to make sure that everything is working properly. While a full inspection from a professional is recommended at the beginning of

SEER Rating 101 – What is it?

2014-11-19T02:32:09+00:00August 9th, 2014|Air Conditioners|

When consumers are looking to purchase a new air conditioner, they should consider a few different factors in the decision making process. One factor that should play a major role in the purchase of an air conditioner is the energy efficiency of the unit. The energy efficiency of the air conditioner is an important deciding

3 Tips to Cut AC Costs This Summer

2014-11-18T20:33:14+00:00June 29th, 2013|Air Conditioners|

Three tips that can decrease air conditioning costs For most households, climate control accounts for almost half of their energy consumption. Throughout the hotter parts of the year, air conditioning will typically cause your electricity bill to increase significantly. Fortunately, there are a variety of steps that can be taken to reduce these costs and

Benefits of Central Air Conditioning (A/C)

2014-11-18T19:19:58+00:00October 19th, 2009|Air Conditioners|

With Haley Comfort Systems, you will never have to wait long to have air conditioning installed in your home. In the summer’s sweltering heat, it can be dangerous to be in the home without air conditioning. Moving around and performing daily tasks in the extreme heat of summer can cause dehydration, which is very bad

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